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Welcome to HR HUB, a web-based platform provided by Netclues Technologies Inc. ("Netclues," "we," "us," or "our"). These Terms of Use govern your use of the HR HUB website (the "Website"). By accessing or using the Website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use.

1. Access to the Website

  • 1.1Use License:

    Subject to these Terms of Use, Netclues grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to access and use the Website for your internal business purposes.

  • 1.2User Accounts:

    You may be required to create an account to access certain features of the Website. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account.

  • 1.3Prohibited Activities:

    You agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities:

    • Use the Website for any unlawful purpose or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

    • Use the Website to transmit any harmful or malicious code, viruses, or other disruptive technologies.

    • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion of the Website or any other systems or networks connected to the Website.

    • Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Website or any servers or networks connected to the Website.

    • Use any automated means to access or collect information from the Website.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

  • 2.1Ownership:

    The Website and its contents, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, are owned or licensed by Netclues and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

  • 2.2License Restrictions:

    Except as expressly permitted by these Terms of Use, you may not reproduce, modify, distribute, sell, or otherwise exploit any portion of the Website without the prior written consent of Netclues.

3. Disclaimer of Warranties

  • 3.1Use at Your Own Risk:

    The Website is provided on an "as-is" and "as available" basis, without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Netclues disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

  • 3.2Accuracy of Information:

    Netclues does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information obtained from the Website or the results of using the Website.

4. Limitation of Liability

  • 4.1No Liability:

    In no event shall Netclues be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or these Terms of Use, even if Netclues has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

5. Indemnification

  • 5.1Indemnity:

    You agree to indemnify and hold Netclues harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection with your use of the Website or any violation of these Terms of Use.

6. Governing Law

  • 6.1Jurisdiction:

    These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

7. Changes to Terms of Use

  • 7.1Modification:

    Netclues reserves the right to modify or revise these Terms of Use at any time, in its sole discretion. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Use constitutes acceptance of those changes.

8. Contact Information

  • 8.1Questions:

    If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact us at support@hrhub.app.

    By using the HR HUB Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.